A downloadable game

Everyone at the table is a seagull. You exist in a world of action and adventure, but it doesn’t really concern you outside of how it changes and shapes your environment. This story takes place at the beach, on the boardwalk, over the nearby ocean and in the immediate surrounding neighborhood.

Draw playing cards to randomly generate an adventure happening on the periphery of your character's world.

Then, role play as seagulls living their day-to-day lives, trying to reach their goals and squawking at each other when they disagree. Success at resolving individual disagreements means your character will be more likely to succeed at moving the community to take action when called.


  • 2-6 players
  • Some 6 sided dice
  • A standard deck of 52 playing cards
  • Index cards (3  +  1 for each player)
  • Sticky notes 

This game was created as part of the Bad TTRPG Game Jam, it was inspired by these tweets:

Run a campaign where every session is a filler episode and the action happens in-between sessions and we never see it.

You, crying: Please stop saying there should be a game jam for everything
Me, pointing at seagull: There should be a seagull game jam

This game is a 100% free download.
If you enjoyed it and want to pay something, instead please donate your money to RAICES or Trans Lifeline 

 Any feedback about Mundane Seagull Game is welcome and encouraged! Comment here or find me on twitter @CoolPileofDirt


Mundane Seagull Game.pdf 301 kB


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this is everything i want in a game about seagulls, and in a game about the little guys while the so-called "more important" things are going on around them. it's fun, funny, easy to pick up and play, and sets the stage for delightful chaos. squawk! about! it! 


This game is so fun! Seagulls are incredibly entertaining and chaotic, the big moves happening on the background only enhance the comedy potential for the seagulls. Always squawk about stuff!

Thank you for the kind feedback Alice! So glad you enjoyed playing